Mastercard video demonstrates biometric cards as tool for government benefits distribution.
A new video by Mastercard introduces its biometric card technology to the public, presenting it as a tool for government benefits distribution, as well as more secure consumer payments. The two-and-a-half minute long Mastercard Biometric Cards for Governments video has been viewed hundreds of times on Youtube.
Governments are trying to increase financial inclusion, reduce benefit distribution costs and minimize fraud, according to the video, and biometrics can help them meet those goals. The video explains the storage of the biometric template on the card, and the compatibility of cards with chip-enabled POS systems. It also says the card ensures benefit recipients receive their full entitlements, without the risk of forgotten passwords or misuse of their card by other people.
Over the long run, biometric cards can reduce program leakage, support financial inclusion by establishing transaction history, and provide insight into recipient spending.
Enrollment is presented as a choice for the government or issuer, between an in-person tablet-based process, and a remote self-enrollment with a sleeve, which it developed with IDEX.
Mastercard Executive VP of Identity Solutions Bob Reany told Biometric Update in a recent interview that developing a mass market for biometric payment cards is key to achieving the scale that will make them affordable for governments.
Article source: Biometric Update