Microlatch’s license ownership claims proven false
Re: Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd (in liquidation) Re: Microlatch Pty Ltd (in liquidation) Printable PDF’s available below Re: Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd (in liquidation) Re: Microlatch Pty Ltd (in liquidation)

The false & misleading release by Mr Burke posted 31 December 2019
The Microlatch Limited Exclusive License Agreement was terminated on 31 March 2017 by Chris Burke as evidenced in the 2018 and 2019 Supreme Court of New South Wales Court transcripts. Below is the original executed document dated 23 August 2013 (which has appeared as a Court document in several Supreme Court of New South Wales […]

Excerpts from the findings of Justice Stevenson of Court Proceedings SC 2018/56845
Hearing dates: 16-18 July 2018; further submissions 27 and 31 July 2018 Decision date: 10 August 2018 “Mr Dart’s and Mr Murray’s account of the meeting I found both Mr Murray and Mr Dart to be impressive witnesses. I am not able to come to the same conclusion about Mr Burke. He did not give […]

Statement by David Murray AO for publication by Charter Pacific Corporation Ltd
I am deeply offended by comments made by Chris Burke in his recent Microlatch website news pages. Burke’s statements are not only defamatory and offensive, they are false, misleading and deceptive. The facts are: 1. In the 13 years since I invested in Microlatch with my good friend the late Michael Crouch AC, Burke has […]

Date of Judgment Order 11 December 2019 & 16 December 2019
Deed of Acknowledgement and Assignment of Intellectual Property. CJ Burke Nominees Pty Ltd ACN 622 158 454 Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) ACN 003 344 287 Christopher John Burke View here

Confirmation letter from Liquidator Gavin Moss
On the 9 August 2019, Liquidator Gavin Moss of Chifley Advisory sent confirmation of all patents held by Securicom being assigned to us, CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd. In his letter (below) it clearly states our position as the patent holders and our legal right to say so. Any conflicting information found on any Microlatch […]

Further Clarification
Dear Shareholders, The execution by Mr Burke of the consent orders and the attendant orders of the Supreme Court of NSW clearly acknowledge the absolute beneficial ownership of the suite of patents by the Company’s associate CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd following the purchase of the Securicom patents from the liquidator on 31 July 2019. […]

Confirmation of Biometric Patent Ownership
Dear Shareholders, It is important for the Board of Charter Pacific Corporation Ltd to give complete clarification to its Shareholders on the ownership of the Biometric Patents. The Board of Charter Pacific Corporation has decided to provide the transcript of the most recent Court hearing which was finalised in the Supreme Court of New South […]

Legal and beneficial ownership of patents determined today by the Supreme Court of New South Wales
There is no dispute over the ownership of the patent portfolio, this matter was settled today by Justice Henry, in the Supreme Court of New South Wales Equity Division and the Court ordered Christopher John Burke and CJ Burke Nominees Pty Ltd to execute deeds of assignment of the various patents. Those deeds of assignment […]

Completion of Patent Ownership
On 19 September 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office recorded an assignment of patent rights from Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd to CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd for the following US Patents: 7,472,934; 8,266,442; 8,112,278; 8,620,039; 9,269,208; and 9,665,705. Download PDF version here

Charter Pacific Update
Today the Supreme Court of NSW made final orders in the SPA proceedings following the judgment of Justice Stevenson on 10 August 2018. Charter Pacific had previously obtained a Supreme Court Order that specifically restrained the Microlatch group from dealing and/or transferring the patents. The Supreme Court orders today have had the effect of continuing […]

The Supreme Court of NSW rules in favour of Charter Pacific
The Supreme Court of News South Wales’ Justice Stevenson today handed down his decision on the “Charter Pacific Corporation Limited v Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd” matter in favour of Charter Pacific. What this means for Charter Pacific: This decision will enable Charter Pacific to complete the SPA and move forward to both commercialise and monetise […]

Charter Pacific Update & Court Orders
Charter Pacific has ended discussions with the Chris Burke group of companies (Securicom/Microlatch) to bring about an early resolution to the current matters before the Supreme Court of NSW. Charter Pacific Directors believe further discussions with the Chris Burke group is unlikely to result in a sensible or commercial outcome for the Charter Pacific shareholders. […]

QLD Supreme Court Judgement in Charter’s Favour
In a judgment delivered earlier today, the Queensland Supreme Court upheld a statutory demand served by Charter Pacific Corporation Limited (Charter) on Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd (Securicom) for repayment of loans worth $338,438.89. Securicom had commenced legal proceedings in an attempt to have Charter’s demand set aside in full. As Securicom’s attempt was unsuccessful, Charter […]
Charter Pacific vs Securicom & Ors
On Friday, 9 March 2018 the Supreme Court of NSW issued a consent order that Securicom Pty Ltd, CJBurke Nominees Pty Ltd, Microlatch Limited, Microlatch Pty Ltd and Chris Burke are by this order, restrained from any dealings with the patents as detailed in the court order below. NSW Supreme Court Case No. 2018/00056845

Second Action Commenced Against Chris Burke and his Companies
Today Charter Pacific commenced an action in the NSW Supreme Court for specific performance by Chris Burke, director of Securicom, of the valid and binding Share Purchase Agreement under which Charter Pacific is entitled to acquire the shares in Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd and Microlatch Limited (UK). Charter Pacific alleges that Mr Burke has unlawfully […]

On 22 December 2017 Charter Pacific served a demand on one of the Microlatch companies, Securicom (NSW) Pty Ltd, seeking repayment of hundreds of thousands of dollars loaned by Charter Pacific in good faith to assist the Microlatch to develop and maintain its patent portfolio. Rather than repaying the money it had borrowed, however, on […]